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Seeing the manifestations of interference with concentration is very much, then of course there are many therapies or ways of handling them with the causes of other disorders that accompany. Therapy that is applied to people with concentration disorders must be holistic and comprehensive. This treatment should involve multidisciplinary knowledge carried out between doctors, parents, teachers, and the environment that affects patients together. If the disorder is not mild, the ideal treatment should be integrated stimulation therapy and behavioral therapy to ensure the success of therapy.
Nutrition and diet therapy is mostly done in handling patients with concentration disorders. Among them are the balance of the carbohydrate diet, handling digestive disorders (Intestinal Permeability or Leaky Gut Syndrome), handling food allergies, or other food intersection reactions. Feingold diets can be used as alternative therapies which are reported to be quite effective. The results revealed that people with concentration disorders in children are also caused by food allergies. The fact is, after eliminating the causes of food allergy disorders for 3 weeks, it turns out that the results of the child's concentration concentration increase.
An amino acid (protein) substance, L-Tyrosine, has been tested with quite satisfactory results in some cases of concentration disorders in ADHD patients. The ability of L-Tyrosine is able to synthesize (produce) norepinephrine (neurotransmitter) which can also be increased by using amphetamine.
Some biomedical therapies are carried out by providing nutritional supplements, mineral deficiencies, essential fatty acids, disorders of amino acid metabolism, and toxicity of heavy metals. The innovative therapies that have been given to people with ADHD are EEG Biofeedback therapy, therapy, herbs, homeopathic treatment and traditional Cna treatments such as acupuncture.
To overcome the symptoms of behavioral disorders that accompany patients with concentration disorders can also be done with occupational therapy. There are several occupational therapies to correct concentration disorders and accompanying behavioral disorders. This therapy has been introduced by several experts in child development and behavior in the world, including sensory integration (Ayres), snoezelen, neurodevelopment treatment (Bobath), behavior modification, play therapy and other occupational therapies
Behavior modification therapy must go through a behavioral approach directly, focusing more on specific changes. This approach is quite successful in teaching the desired behavior, in the form of social interaction, language, and self-care. In addition, this therapy will also reduce unwanted behavior, such as aggression, emotional instability, self injury and so on. behavior is the most effective pattern of handling with a positive approach and can prevent children and feelings of frustration, anger, and discouragement into feelings of independence.